Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Reuse it!

You know those medicine cups you get everytime you buy medicine for your kiddo.  Well you can reuse them.  I use them for paint cups when my kids are painting.  Fill 'em up, use 'em, and clean 'em out. Try it!  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Simplest Redo

One of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to redo something is "SPRAY PAINT"!  I love spray paint!  It's easy, quick, inexspensive and really does have great results if done the right way.

As you know, I want teal and red in my kitchen/living room area.  The vase and planter pot I have does not fit this new color scheme.  I want to use what I have to make it work.  I do not want to buy new items. Easy solution? My handy dandy spray paint!

Here I have taken my simple vase and pot and transformed them into items I can use again.

1. Pick your color.
2. Prep your working area.  Work in a very ventilated area, cover with newspaper, and buy a mask for your face (spray paint is nasty to breath in).
3. Make sure you give your item(s) a nice light sanding so that the spray paint has something to hold on to.
4. Start spraying carefully.  Always spray in short even strokes.  Do not spray upside down. Do one coat at a time to ensure no dripping or over painting. 
5. Let first coat dry.
6. Apply second coat.
7. It's that easy, you are done.



In progress


Happy Spray Painting!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Beginning

My husband and I have recently bought our very first home.  I am especially excited about this because I can finally start my redo (crafty, inventive, everything else) blog.  I have been waiting until I actually have a million things to redo to start this.  I hope this blog will inspire, bring imagination and help you with all your redo ideas.

Like I said before, we just bought our first home. It is a starter home that has so many possibilities.  We wanted to buy a home in our price rage but one that we could add a lot of value to.  I think we found the perfect match. 

Over the years, I have found that I like to do many different projects all at once.  Then I am left feeling like I haven't accomplished anything even though I just completed 10 projects. So now I will redo one room at a time.  I suggest this for anyone that wants to makeover their whole house. We start with the kitchen since we spend a lot of time in here with friends and family.

 He is what was left for us.  Unfinished, small and completely not my style.

Here is what I want it to look like.  I absolutely love this kitchen. I know you can only some of it but I hope you will get the idea.

Inspiration Kitchen
The color contrast and elegance of this room is indescribable for me.  I hope you will stick around and see how I transform my kitchen into something beautiful.